06 July 2007

About A Soldier Part II

Imagine havng a son or daughter killed in war, to die a hero's death against unimaginable odds and be awarded the second highest medal in the U.S. Navy. Imagine the sense of pride when the town wants to honor him with a staatue in the center of town, a small, yet powerful token of appreciation for the sacrific that he made. Now imagine having that statue protested and the dipiction of your son compared to the numerous school shooters over the last decade or so. Well, that's exactly what happened to the parents of Danny Dietz, one of the soldiers that was killed in the battle that was the subject of my previous post.
"It broke our hearts," said Dan Dietz, who still lives in the area. "My son was fighting for her freedom to do exactly what she is doing. She put my son in the same category as Columbine. How does she have the audacity to do that?"

Apparently, the protesters were mad about the rifle Danny is holding in the statue.

I say if tie die t-shirts could protect us better than an automatic rifle we'll put one on him. Until then, the rifle stays.

Hippies Go Home.

On July 4th his statue was dedicated.

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