06 July 2007

The ACLU is at it again...

Go ahead and roll your eyes before you read any further and get it out of your system.
They are suing the White House charging that they excluded protesters and opponents of the current administration from certain events that President Bush was speaking at. Now think about it. Say you're having a block party in your cul-de-sac, serving hot dogs and hamburgers, and some crazy vegans come to protest that you are eating meat. What is the likelyhood of an altercation? They have the same right to be on public proprty as you, but at what point does it cause such a disruption that there has to be some intervention? Basicly, it comes down to to security. Bush is certainly not the most popular fella on the block these days and there are many people, mainly on the left, that would do close to anything to cause disruptions and possible harm to the administration. It's just plain elementary.
I equivilate it to this, for those of you who know who I am speaking of... imagine One People's Project suing Bill White because they can't march down a public street with them. Yeah, this lawsuit is THAT retarded.

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