06 July 2007

About A Soldier Part II

Imagine havng a son or daughter killed in war, to die a hero's death against unimaginable odds and be awarded the second highest medal in the U.S. Navy. Imagine the sense of pride when the town wants to honor him with a staatue in the center of town, a small, yet powerful token of appreciation for the sacrific that he made. Now imagine having that statue protested and the dipiction of your son compared to the numerous school shooters over the last decade or so. Well, that's exactly what happened to the parents of Danny Dietz, one of the soldiers that was killed in the battle that was the subject of my previous post.
"It broke our hearts," said Dan Dietz, who still lives in the area. "My son was fighting for her freedom to do exactly what she is doing. She put my son in the same category as Columbine. How does she have the audacity to do that?"

Apparently, the protesters were mad about the rifle Danny is holding in the statue.

I say if tie die t-shirts could protect us better than an automatic rifle we'll put one on him. Until then, the rifle stays.

Hippies Go Home.

On July 4th his statue was dedicated.

The ACLU is at it again...

Go ahead and roll your eyes before you read any further and get it out of your system.
They are suing the White House charging that they excluded protesters and opponents of the current administration from certain events that President Bush was speaking at. Now think about it. Say you're having a block party in your cul-de-sac, serving hot dogs and hamburgers, and some crazy vegans come to protest that you are eating meat. What is the likelyhood of an altercation? They have the same right to be on public proprty as you, but at what point does it cause such a disruption that there has to be some intervention? Basicly, it comes down to to security. Bush is certainly not the most popular fella on the block these days and there are many people, mainly on the left, that would do close to anything to cause disruptions and possible harm to the administration. It's just plain elementary.
I equivilate it to this, for those of you who know who I am speaking of... imagine One People's Project suing Bill White because they can't march down a public street with them. Yeah, this lawsuit is THAT retarded.

28 June 2007

A few minutes with Fred

Buh-Bye to Reverse Discrimination?

The tides of the Supreme Court have turned. No longer is Sandra Day O'Conner a swing vote for the left. Looks like we finally have the right justices up there. Finally, a decision that could spark the fire to end reverse discrimination has been made. Finally.

click below to read the Fox News Story:
Supreme Court Rejects Public School Integration Plans

We did it! No Cloture for the Amnesty Bill

FINALLY the immigration bill is DEAD!
:-) NO CLOTURE! :-)
I'm sure they'll try to make a new bill in the future, but I guess we'll deal with that when it comes.
Thanks so much to everyone who spread the word, made phone calls and sent faxes to our legislators letting them know that we don't want amnesty!

27 June 2007


It's down to the final hours.... Senate Republicans were able to postpone the vote until tomorrow (by threatening to male them read the entire near 400 page document out loud! LOL)

Call, fax and email to let them know that we do not want this bill! Make sure thier offices are OVERFLOWING tomorrow!

Send Immigration Views to Congress

Supreme Court Taking on Affirmative Action

... it hasn't come yet as the U.S. Supreme court deliberates a decision that could effect Affirmative Action laws and the future of our children. After several cases of discrimination against whites in schools and educational workshops, the case has been brought to the Supreme Court to decide if Affirmative Action in public schools is Constitutional. Now, I know I have been prone to beat a topic into folks heads to the point of them thinking their brains are going to explode. But I remember talking to everyone about the importance of who is in White House and in the Senate and House as far as appointing and confirming court justices. I think that the court may have the right balance to finally start looking out for our interests again. With Alito and Roberts as new additions to the court and the dominating presence of Scalia and his conservative counterparts, these reverse discrimintion laws could be overturned. The case that was closest to home sparking this case to be brought before the court is of a 16 year old girl named Emily Smith who applied and was accepted into a journalism class at Virginia Comonwealth University, only to recieve a phone call a week later asking her ethicity. When she stated that she was caucasion, she was informed that the class was only for minority students, and that her acceptance into the program was being withdrawn. She has since won a lawsuit granting her $25,000.00 and will be admitted into the class this coming year. Just a friendly note to let you know that looking at the big picture can work to benefit all of us.