27 June 2007

Supreme Court Taking on Affirmative Action

... it hasn't come yet as the U.S. Supreme court deliberates a decision that could effect Affirmative Action laws and the future of our children. After several cases of discrimination against whites in schools and educational workshops, the case has been brought to the Supreme Court to decide if Affirmative Action in public schools is Constitutional. Now, I know I have been prone to beat a topic into folks heads to the point of them thinking their brains are going to explode. But I remember talking to everyone about the importance of who is in White House and in the Senate and House as far as appointing and confirming court justices. I think that the court may have the right balance to finally start looking out for our interests again. With Alito and Roberts as new additions to the court and the dominating presence of Scalia and his conservative counterparts, these reverse discrimintion laws could be overturned. The case that was closest to home sparking this case to be brought before the court is of a 16 year old girl named Emily Smith who applied and was accepted into a journalism class at Virginia Comonwealth University, only to recieve a phone call a week later asking her ethicity. When she stated that she was caucasion, she was informed that the class was only for minority students, and that her acceptance into the program was being withdrawn. She has since won a lawsuit granting her $25,000.00 and will be admitted into the class this coming year. Just a friendly note to let you know that looking at the big picture can work to benefit all of us.

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