28 June 2007

A few minutes with Fred

Buh-Bye to Reverse Discrimination?

The tides of the Supreme Court have turned. No longer is Sandra Day O'Conner a swing vote for the left. Looks like we finally have the right justices up there. Finally, a decision that could spark the fire to end reverse discrimination has been made. Finally.

click below to read the Fox News Story:
Supreme Court Rejects Public School Integration Plans

We did it! No Cloture for the Amnesty Bill

FINALLY the immigration bill is DEAD!
:-) NO CLOTURE! :-)
I'm sure they'll try to make a new bill in the future, but I guess we'll deal with that when it comes.
Thanks so much to everyone who spread the word, made phone calls and sent faxes to our legislators letting them know that we don't want amnesty!

27 June 2007


It's down to the final hours.... Senate Republicans were able to postpone the vote until tomorrow (by threatening to male them read the entire near 400 page document out loud! LOL)

Call, fax and email to let them know that we do not want this bill! Make sure thier offices are OVERFLOWING tomorrow!

Send Immigration Views to Congress

Supreme Court Taking on Affirmative Action

... it hasn't come yet as the U.S. Supreme court deliberates a decision that could effect Affirmative Action laws and the future of our children. After several cases of discrimination against whites in schools and educational workshops, the case has been brought to the Supreme Court to decide if Affirmative Action in public schools is Constitutional. Now, I know I have been prone to beat a topic into folks heads to the point of them thinking their brains are going to explode. But I remember talking to everyone about the importance of who is in White House and in the Senate and House as far as appointing and confirming court justices. I think that the court may have the right balance to finally start looking out for our interests again. With Alito and Roberts as new additions to the court and the dominating presence of Scalia and his conservative counterparts, these reverse discrimintion laws could be overturned. The case that was closest to home sparking this case to be brought before the court is of a 16 year old girl named Emily Smith who applied and was accepted into a journalism class at Virginia Comonwealth University, only to recieve a phone call a week later asking her ethicity. When she stated that she was caucasion, she was informed that the class was only for minority students, and that her acceptance into the program was being withdrawn. She has since won a lawsuit granting her $25,000.00 and will be admitted into the class this coming year. Just a friendly note to let you know that looking at the big picture can work to benefit all of us.

About a soldier

I was listening to Glenn Beck on talk radio this morning on my way to work, and there was a guy on there named Marcus Luttrell. He is a Navy SEAL that was in Afganistan telling the story about a book he has written in which he and his three other team members were forced to let a few goat herders go, who they knew would report them and their positons to the Taliban members they were monitoring. Because of the way the Taliban manipulates our media, the SEALS figured they had a better chance to with a firefight rather than in an American court. Pretty fucking sad, don't ya think? Well, because of the "rules of engagement" that only American soldiers have to abide by, they found themselves surrounded by over 200 Taliban. Please Read this excerpt from his book entitled "Lone Survivor". http://www.hbgusa.com/books/19/0316067598/chapter_excerpt24838.html
After reading it, purchase and read the book. Then the next time you think about politicians in Washington tying the hands of our soldiers think about the soldiers that have died because of the other enemy here at home.

Alcohol and Porn Illegal?

... for the Aborigines in Australia, yes. Apparently, the Australian government thinks they can't handle the sauce.
Read through the article....

For Fred Thompson Supporters

It's pretty much a given that he is going to run. Without announcing his candidacy, he is second in the polls behind the social liberal, Giuliani. Now, if I had to compare Fred to anyone... no, it wouldn't be Reagan... Reagan allowed Amnesty ... I'd have to say John Wayne. Don't beat me for blasphemy against the Duke. I'm mearly stating my opinion. A history professor wrote about the Duke .. "Wayne lived in a world of absolutes. He did not like ambiguity. He lived in a world where, in his mind, right was right and wrong was wrong. And evil was real and evil had to be crushed with violence if necessary. There's a generation of Americans that kind of grew up with Wayne, matured with Wayne and grew old with Wayne, through all the trials and traumas of modern American history — and in doing so, found in him a voice they understood." I think that is the closest discription of Fred I have heard... and it wasn't even about him.
If it's not obvious enough that I plan to support him, I've already pledged to volunteer, which, as I said before I volunteered with his grassroots campaign back in '96 in Tn. phone banking, signing, manning booths, and even door to door campaigning. I plan to do the same. I don't go out of my way for something I am not passionate about. If anyone is interested in doing the same or learning more please visit his site

Voting Record Highlights:
Thompson was not in the senate to vote at the time of the Iraq War, but does support it.
Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment.
Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes.
Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage.
Voted YES on increasing penalties for drug offenses.
Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows.
Voted YES on limit welfare for immigrants. Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals.
Voted YES on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions.
Voted YES on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration.
Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto.
Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex basic training.
Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions.
Voted YES on banning human cloning.
Voted YES on welfare overhaul.

For Ron Paul Supporters

Now, let me make clear first and foremost that I DO like Ron Paul and many of his ideas. However, I would like to point out a few things in his voting record that not everyone may be aware of.
In April 2003 he voted against establishing the national Amber Alert system.

In both April of 2003 and October 2005 he voted to contunue to allow firearm manufacturers and dealers to be sued and charged criminally for crimes committed with the guns they make and/or sell.

In October 2005 he voted against preventing lawsuits by obese people suing food providers/restaraunts.

In September 2001 he voted against putting the military on the border to protect the U.S. against drugs and terrorism.

In Sept 2004 he voted against the ammendment prohibiting same-sex marriages.

In June 1999 he voted against increasing prosecution and sentencing in criminals under 18 years old.

On every possible occasion he has voted against preventing sale and use of dangerous illegal drugs.

Now, given all of this, Ron Paul still has some wonderful ideas and has consistently taken a pro-life stand, which is near and dear to me. I understand his appeal due to his stance on civil liberties... but I lean alot farther right