27 June 2007

About a soldier

I was listening to Glenn Beck on talk radio this morning on my way to work, and there was a guy on there named Marcus Luttrell. He is a Navy SEAL that was in Afganistan telling the story about a book he has written in which he and his three other team members were forced to let a few goat herders go, who they knew would report them and their positons to the Taliban members they were monitoring. Because of the way the Taliban manipulates our media, the SEALS figured they had a better chance to with a firefight rather than in an American court. Pretty fucking sad, don't ya think? Well, because of the "rules of engagement" that only American soldiers have to abide by, they found themselves surrounded by over 200 Taliban. Please Read this excerpt from his book entitled "Lone Survivor". http://www.hbgusa.com/books/19/0316067598/chapter_excerpt24838.html
After reading it, purchase and read the book. Then the next time you think about politicians in Washington tying the hands of our soldiers think about the soldiers that have died because of the other enemy here at home.

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